Thursday, January 24, 2013

Big Lesson Learned....

It is truly amazing to be free. With that being said, an explanation to follow. 

As a good parent, you naturally want what's best for your child, and when someone or something is harming them, you want to rescue them. I fought very hard for my children in court and out. I still fight for my children. I always will, because I love them. That is what a good parent does, no matter what. 

At one point a nobody labeled me. That nobody lied to the courts about me, and guess what!? That just made me an even better Mom. I over came her label. I continued to love my children hard, and make good decisions for them. I still listened to their complaints, and the things I could change I did, and the things I couldn't, worked themselves out.

I learned to overcome my fears and stood up several times to my children's father and my abuser. 

Even though that Nobody lied to the courts and built the other nobody up, he couldn't keep the lie up too long. My children know who their Sperm Doner is, and all I had to do, is sit back and let him be himself. They will soon be able to decide where they want to be, without having a filter/lier on their Father's side. 

Whatever decision they decide to make, I will support them and love them. They know that. I know this, because now they have started to express their love and gratitude. When they need something, they call me. When they have questions they ask me. When they have tough decisions to make, they ask me to work through them with them, and when they don't need me, I take a step back and marvel in the Joy that they are mine. They are living and thriving in my love and the love of their Step Father and siblings. No one will EVER be able to take that away. That pretty picture that was drafted for the Court, was just that. A picture in a delusional mind. The children have gotten the real life experience, and in the end, they know they have always had the same Cheerleader and always will, no one can take that from them.

Research your CFI, know who you are choosing to plan the rest of your Child's life. Many of them have their own agendas. Fortunately for my situation God stepped in and continues to make it right.


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