Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Am a Woman

You know.........

It is so hard living life after being battered, and having to raise kids with that batterer. In reality you are raising the children and he is just making, the already  tough job of raising a child even harder. However I am a Women, and so I do it. No one can do it like me. He can never take away the fact that. I worked doubly hard to raise stable, well mannered, well educated children. He may be late bringing them, but I always make sure they are on time. He may not pay, but they will always have the things that they need. He may break them, but I will always fix them, and do you want to know why?? It's because I AM A WOMAN. Something I am so proud of, something I am so great at. Something he can never put down because HE is a BOY. He will Never have the strength I have, he will never take away my drive and he will never take away the beauty of ME being a Woman.

So when your miserable batterer makes you upset, tries to take away your shine. Tries to tell you. you're not good enough, or even tries to take your Victory........

You just remember one thing; a Woman never gives up on her children, She may be beat, put down, or stalked, but the one thing a Woman will do is forever protect and love her children. No matter what she will keep them safe.

I have a beautiful home, not because of the material items, but for the laughter, the constant chatter, even though I ask for silence, the ability to teach what love is and to receive love when it is given back. I am loved by a Man, and I have boundaries, I am able to be myself and love fully, and in return he can as well have those same rights. My home has constructive arguments, without tension/or yelling! 

Again, I am free to be Me.......

So when your batterer feels the need to put you down, start a problem, hurt your children. Lie in court and make them believe him. Just remember he is only as big as you let him be in your life, You have the capability to rehabilitate your children, and you don't have to give up in court. You know why??

You are a WOMAN...

No one can ever take that from you, and if you feel down and out because of something your batterer has done to you, think about all the wonderful things you have done, as a Woman without him in your life, all the things you wouldn't have been able to do if you would have stayed, and all the fighting you can still do, to get your life back....

I Just did, and looks like I got a whole lot of fighting to do. Why don't you join me. Man, Woman, or Child, we all have a story. One thing that cannot be taken from us, is the happiness we refuse to let go of.

I refuse to let my abuser, take my God given right to just be, you know why???



Friday, February 11, 2011

Legislative Meetings for the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence

This Thursday and Friday were two very productive days!! On Thursday, the first day of conference I learned a great deal about Legislative bill HB 1080. This bill would allow the domestically abused, male and female victims to keep their address undisclosed for four years and allow those to stay in hiding and renew via email and not through an application assistant. At this time Victims must seek out an application assistant to renew their application, and there are very few per County. This could cause delay in renewal and would put a Victim at higher risk of being found by their batterer. We then had a small break and then lunch with some of the legislators or legislative representatives. Lunch was a huge success I believe. It was very nice to meet The Assistant for Representative Conti. We had a very extensive conversation on Domestic violence and my experience in dealing with a CFI. I informed her of my trials and tribulations and expressed much of my concern for the future of our children. It was amazing to see her concern for the topic grow. I am looking forward to hearing from the Representatives office, and hope to help better Colorado in the near future. We ended the day off with Legislative Training given by Colorado Speaker of the House Terrance D. Carroll. He was an amazing speaker, and very down to earth. Mr. Carroll gave advise and answered questions about how to speak and relate to legislators, and did a fantastic job!

Friday Started out with breakfast with Representative Nancy Todd, a dynamic Woman and a strong supporter against Domestic Violence. I enjoyed listening to her speak and her personal insight on the topic of Domestic Violence. I would like to give a personal and very warm Thank you to Representative Todd for all of her hard work and dedication to a very important cause!!

After breakfast we all walked to the State Capitol to talk to the Legislation individually about HB 1080, and also to advocate more supporters for the Domestic Violence Fight! I was assigned Senator Nance Spence. I was very nervous to speak with Senator Spence, but like Representative Todd, I found her to be quite Dynamic! I was able to speak to her about HB 1080, and also about funding for Domestic Violence programs, and my concern about CFI's in Colorado. She was very receptive to all I said and even said she would vote yes on HB 1080, after reading the full bill. She also addressed my concern for the lack of accountability CFI's have in Colorado, and has started an investigation in Arapahoe County. Senator Spence is a very warm and intelligent Woman. She is very aware of the problems our children face within the court system and has taken initiative to help stop the problem. I Thank you Senator Spence for your time speaking with me and listening to my concerns.

I will continue to advocate against Domestic Violence and feel very hopeful at this time for the future. I have never felt so happy about facing a challenge head on, than I do today. Please leave your stories or comments on this blog. You never know, Legislation may hear your voice as well.......